About Us

Amazing Home is created with you in mind.

We started with a simple mission: making life a little easier with our carefully selected range of contemporary furniture. We hope to provide you with a space to find something that could inspire, transform your home into an escape from the everyday hustle and bustle. More importantly a better way to discover something that could amaze both your home and yourself. Feel inspired and content in your surroundings with more time to enjoy life.

Breaking through the conventional way of shopping for home from product discovery to final delivery, we are reinventing and creating a new way for you to shop. All you need to do is to sit back and visit our online store. We would like to share with everyone the idea of 

Buying furniture is not so difficult

Whether you are moving into a new house or it is time for an update, we hope you can

Create a home you love with
Reasonable & Budget-friendly Furniture

At Amazing Home, there is always something new for you to discover. We aim to keep surprising you with something trendy, for a better living, for you to enjoy and fitting your lifestyle. Sign up today to make sure you are the first to know about our special offers, collections and receive inspiration straight to your inbox.

" Amazing Home ~
Refresh Your Home Style "